I have heard the message that you want a voice in the State House that represents you and your interests. My number one priority is YOU! To best serve you, I focus on small business, education, and health care.
You can contact me any time at your convenience. To make a contribution, or connect with me on social media, scan the QR code or visit https://linktr.ee/maryannshallcrosssmith
Free notary service for constituents.

Follow me on social media for updates: Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross Smith | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree
Small business is the backbone of our economy. As a small business owner for over 50 years in Rhode Island, I understand the needs of working families and small business owners. I want to be here for you and your family needs, too. I promise to work every day to be a voice for small business.
Education has always been a major part of my career. As the founder and proprietor of a day care, I understand the importance of quality and affordable education. I have served on the Lincoln School Committee and currently own 9 early learning child care centers. I founded the Business Owners in Childcare Association (BOCA) to help early childhood professionals work together for the children in their care. My family has had a long history (four generations!) in the Lincoln Public Schools and I am a lifelong Lincoln resident. Two of my early learning care centers are located in Pawtucket. Quality education should be accessible to everyone and I will work hard for Lincoln and Pawtucket residents.
Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding your concerns, issues or questions. If you would like a yard sign or would like to make a contribution to my campaign, I would appreciate your support. You can contact me any time at your convenience at MaryAnnShallcrossSmith@gmail.com or call/text me at 401-727-8982.

“I support Mary Ann for State Representative because I know she will be a champion for her community. She recognizes the importance of continuing to build our economy and of investing in education. District 46 would be lucky to have Mary Ann as a leader.”
Governor Gina Raimondo